Sunday, February 20, 2011

#1 "To Live is to Die"

     Well, this is my very first blog. I figured I might as well write down some of my random thoughts. Mainly so that someday I can refer to that certain date and time to understand how I was feeling, what I was thinking, etc. Basically like an online journal. Okay, here we go. I honestly feel that gaining knowledge is one of, if not the most important thing we can do in this life. I also feel that we have no limitations of what we can learn or do (except for the limits we put on ourselves). I understand that I am somewhat young, and therefore lack in some “life experiences”, but I cannot help my age. I can only use what I have learned and experienced in the time I have had. I try to give myself good opportunities to acquire knowledge so that I can expand what I know (i.e. books, research, situations, etc.).  Here are some random thoughts I have in my head:
1.          1. To live means you also must die.
2.          2. Once past the age of maturation we are slowly dying.
3.          3.  Knowing this sucks.  
     We, seemingly then, are just stuck wondering when that last moment of life will occur. Therefore, we are always trying to prevent it. But even trying to prevent death sucks, all we are doing is prolonging the inevitable, and we know that is a worthless measure. So what should we do? Should we all just commit suicide and end the suffering now?
     I say no. I feel that this means every single moment is special and a blessing. Yes, we may be cursed to suffer and die, but knowing this somewhat makes everything more sweet. Because we then know every second counts, we must try to live that way. The saying “live like you’re dying” should be “live because you’re dying”.  Mainly what I mean is, enjoy every single moment as if it IS your last, because you never know, it really could be.
     Look at it this way, if we lived on and on, wouldn’t that make life boring? You could literally do it all, see it all, and experience it all. But knowing you could, would make everything less important and exciting. That next breath of air isn’t important because you know there will be another one, and another one, and so on. I like the passage from Ecclesiastes 1:2-8  “ 2 “Everything is meaningless,” says the Teacher, “completely meaningless!”
   3 What do people get for all their hard work under the sun? 4 Generations come and generations go, but the earth never changes. 5 The sun rises and the sun sets, then hurries around to rise again. 6 The wind blows south, and then turns north. Around and around it goes, blowing in circles. 7 Rivers run into the sea, but the sea is never full. Then the water returns again to the rivers and flows out again to the sea. 8 Everything is wearisome beyond description. No matter how much we see, we are never satisfied. No matter how much we hear, we are not content.”
     Wow! Could you imagine have to deal with that and never be able to die? Everything wouldn’t matter as much or really at all. Procrastination wouldn’t really matter because there will always be time for it. It would make me ask “what for?” and “why?” Yes, everything would be meaningless.
     I guess what I am saying is that, yes, death is a curse, but that, yes, it is a blessing as well. It makes you realize how important everything is. It causes you to enjoy everything more. Yes, knowing you are dying does suck, but enjoying what time you do have does not. So go out and live it up! Enjoy everything!
That’s what I’ve been thinking about that life doesn’t have to suck; you can enjoy it as you slowly die.  But mostly I need to remember and say to myself  “live BECAUSE you are dying”.